Unfortunately I am not very knowledgeable about politics and probably will not vote. I can’t vote for someone or something that I do not know anything about. I know we are living in today’s world and it probably will not take much time to just do a little bit of internet research, the click of a mouse, to make a decision I think is best. To be honest (and very truly sorry for those who are strong believers in politics’) I am the least bit interested in what they have to offer. I know that whoever receives the most votes has a large impact on my life, I know that.
I’m not going to blog about politics, well because I don’t know anything about them! Which means I can’t B!+ch about anything to do with any situation regarding politics, which don’t worry I won’t because well I don’t even know what to B!+ch about!
A friend of mine has the right to B!+ch because she follows and researches and has her strong opinions on politicians which is great! She had mentioned something about one of the politic parties not believing in human choices. Now I could have this all wrong but that’s not really the point of this blog anyhow. It’s more so on the choices we make as people.
Apparently a political party doesn’t believe in abortion, or gay marriage or apparently the freedom of every human being to have a choice. Why? Why wouldn’t anyone want what is best for their people? I am a strong believer that everyone on this planet has the right to choose their destiny in life, good or bad… remembering that this is their choice, not yours.
In life I think if people are happy that is all that matters. If you are in love with the same sex and will live happily ever after with your soul mate then why wouldn’t I support that? I support happiness. Is there a politician who supports happiness?? I’m not sure, but I do hope one day the world will see that love and happiness takes you much farther than rich and fame.
For all you politic followers! Go and vote and vote for whoever you think will be best for all of our people! For now, I will keep smiling and being happy because of the choices in life I have made, good and bad, in the end it all works out because of love.
Be happy my friend’s, that’s what I want for you, love whoever you want to love but keep loving, love is everything. Love is the first thing a baby knows and learns.