“Save the Drama for your Mama!” What in God’s name does that even mean?!? I just saw it and thought it was funny! I guess it could mean a numerous of things such as take your drama and shove it up your … you know.
Ahhh Drama, how I hate thee. I think we all hate Drama, even the ones who start the Drama say they hate the Drama. Ironic isn’t it? Well I must admit that life (for me and A) lately, and actually for quite some time has been “Drama Free”. The big “D-F” Drama Free. Boring? Yeah sometimes. But awesome? Yes.
Oh once again, my favourite thing ever, Facebook! I just love Facebook as you all know, for so many reasons (not even sarcastic!) I am probably the person some may call addicted to Facebook, like its FaceCrack. But I am totally okay with it. It’s so funny sometimes reading friends and family status’s about the “other” people in their lives. You know those annoying people at work? At the gym? Or at the store? Or at school? Or wherever. Even though is a computer written statement, you can still feel the Drama of the words spitting out of the computer at you from Facebook. “Oh-My-God! I can’t stand that B*%$!, she is like always up in my biz, honestly I think she like stares at me on purpose, I just want to beat her up!” Really?! You just want to beat her up, well make sure you film is and then put it on Facebook for our entertainment because we need that shit! Most of the time, I scan past these kind of status because it’s the same old junk, but sometimes they are actually funny to read so I read them (remember, I am a Facebook freak?!) This one gets me as well “I can’t believe that just happened to me, OMG, can you believe it, I am so happy to be alive!” … Sorry what?!? What happened?!? Did I miss something? HELLO! OR “I hope he’s okay, that was awful” …You hope whose okay? What’s awful? Did someone die? Did someone get hurt? Finish the damn sentence. Not only does that annoy me, what annoys me is the fact that I have to read the 10000 comments people have posted below the status, most of them saying “You hope whose okay? What’s awful? Did someone die? Did someone get hurt?”. I never ask, or comment, I wait for the next dramatic person to ask and usually find out there answer on comment 146. Lol oh Facebook. If this person posts numerous of similar statements within a week’s span, you no longer have the privilege of being on my news feed… Sorry, you’re taking too much room and you’re making it difficult for me to see what other Drama is going on in everyone’s life.
Like I said, for the past while I have lived a Drama free life. Maybe it’s because I am living through everyone else’s Drama? Nah doubt it, too lazy and laid back for that, yes I admit I can be lazy who cares, don’t judge. Ugh, it could be that I don’t have any friends? Or actually, to get that statement correct (I do have friends) I just don’t have any friends that like Drama, and believe it or not, my family has tamed down there Drama too, they must be tired or busy or something. Usually around the holidays going home to BC is a ton of fun, relaxing and can be stressful from all the drama, but this year, the drama part never came… thank god, that’s why, our holidays rocked! It’s totally weird because usually women are the ones who just adore drama, gossip or anything to get there blood pumping or just an excuse to talk behind someone’s back maybe? I started that sentence with "its totally weird"; the part of the women loving the drama actually isn’t the weird part, what weird is that my life is filled with women. All women at work, all women ice hockey team, all women ball hockey team, all women friends (pretty much, and the ones who are male have some womanly traits), and I go to an all women’s gym. Weird? No not really, weird that I am living a drama free life? Yup.
I have learned some things in my life time of the age of 24, and yes of course I have like a million more things to learn, but every day is a learning process. Here are my tips for my Drama free life:
1) If it doesn’t involve you, don’t get involved! If it doesn’t involve you then why is it your worry? Try and stay out of other people’s madness. If you feel the need to jump in, then obviously you want the drama so don’t complain about the drama in your life. (This could contradict my statement above about creeping on peoples drama on facebook, but remember I don’t ask the questions I just creep, yeah I am a creep, who cares, don’t judge)
2) Don’t let the little things get to you! Who cares if that’s what she said, obviously is someone is saying something horrible about you, then you probably shouldn’t be friends. Don’t let those little smirks from the Smart Ass’s get to you. Don’t let their annoying laughs make you want to jump off a bridge, stick in some headphones and listen to your own tunes. If they are being a bitch, leave the room. If they are being negative then walk away and spread your happiness elsewhere. Who cares! Don’t let those little things get to you.
3) Don’t hold grudges! Holding grudges only makes the situation worse. Yeah you may not be best friends with that person who is sitting over there driving you mental because of that one time or few times they were a total A-Hole. Well stop holding the grudge! It’s over and done, it’s the past (refer to my last post about the past). Grow up, join the conversation and move on.
4) Excuse the people from your life who cause the constant drama! Yeah Drama was so much fun in… ughh… high school? But drop the act. You no longer are in high school and by now, you should have somewhat grown up, if they haven’t, well then maybe it’s time to move on. I know it’s hard sometimes when the drama could involve family or in friends you don’t want to lose. Well during their drama freaky time, excuse yourself from their life at the moment and when you’re ready and feel as though its drama free then excuse yourself back in. There is no need for you to be around that drama, no one needs that kind of stress.
5) Don’t judge people! Just because that b!*%$ at the gym is running in short shorts and a sports bra doesn’t mean you have the right to judge her. Maybe she is more than confident, and she probably worked extremely hard for that body, or maybe she just sweats balls and needs to take off the layers. The thing is you don’t know her story, so why do you care? Don’t judge people, it only starts drama.
6) Sometimes it’s best to keep your comments to yourself! This will only start the drama. Remember, you can’t really argue an opinion so why try? Stop trying to start drama over someone’s opinion. Who cares if I love Sidney Crosby and I think he is possibly one of the best hockey players in the world. I honestly don’t care that you hate him (for god knows why you do). But it’s okay to argue facts, because well I like to argue about facts, but mostly just with A.
So those are just some tips from my experience. You may not agree with them, but they are working for me! You must also remember that starting drama, causing drama or helping drama spread like a wild fire can hurt the people around you like your loved ones. You can even hurt the people you don’t like, which honestly is not nice at all. Hurting anyone’s feelings is by far the worst, childish thing you can do. As Ellen says, “Be Kind To One Another”.
I think I may be able to get the Drama I need back into my life…. Watching Gossip Girl which starts again this Monday WOOHOO!
dani xo