I love my sneakers.
In June 2011 we took a trip to California to visit a place called Disneyland (Best place on earth by the way). Before we took flight out of Spokane, WA we hit up the shopping mall. Yeah that's right, we went shopping before we even flew away. I had been wanting a new pair of sneakers and I knew I could find something decent with a great price in the US. My sneakers previous where just OK, pink of course and did the job (well slightly since I was usually left with shin splints after Ball Hockey). I found a pair of KSwiss tubes, and they were purple, close enough to pink. I chose KSwiss because Jillian Michael's is a sponsor and also because they are pretty sweet looking. My coupon queen mom got me a great deal for the sneaks. I always have trouble with shoes, or anything that goes on my feet including my skates. I always need to look extra hard for a pair of shoes that wont give me blisters. First day in Disneyland I took a plunge and decided that I would try out my new KSwiss sneaks. This was a huge deal because usually I have to test shoes out 10 minutes at times because by then I am in pain. After 12 long hours of walking and riding, my feet were fabulous! Since then, I think I swear by these sneakers, for me anyways. I continued to wear my sneaks throughout the summer and my ball hockey season. Not once did I get shin splints. After wearing them out for 6 months my wonderful mom bought me a new pair for Christmas, this time blue and I fell in love again. Believe it or not, I always look forward to putting my sneaks on. Plus the blue matches my blue boxing gloves, lucky me!
I know I just wrote a large paragraph about my sneakers, but there is a point to this blog. At the gym some of the girls are starting a challenge. A challenge that commits them to do something each day for the whole year. This challenge isn't to compete against one another. Its a challenge for yourself, a promise to yourself to succeed. I thought it was a great idea to challenge myself to something and decided that my challenge would be 60 sit-ups a day for the next 355 days. I started yesterday which means that I would challenge myself to do these 60 sit -ups for the next 355 days (Until December 31st, 2012 if the world doesn't end).
60 Sit-Ups X 355 days = 21,300
By the end of this year, I will have completed over 20,000 sit-ups! Crazy! This challenge is for you. For you to take that extra time in your day to complete something fabulous. Now you don't have to choose sit-ups, you can choose whatever your little heart desires. 50 Push Ups? 30 Jumping Jacks? 100 Squats? 60 Lunges? 20 Minutes of walking? 5 Minutes of dancing? Its your call, its your challenge. I do recommend choosing something that allows you to be able to complete this challenge so just in case you don't have time for the gym, you can do this challenge anywhere. At home, at the gym, at work or wherever you have the room and time.

I am committed to this challenge, 60 sit-ups a day? No problem, takes me less than few minutes. I will wear my sneaks proud and accomplish this challenge for myself. To better myself, to set goals, to achieve goals, to work hard at something. To help my health. It's just 60 sit-ups a day for me, easy but beneficial.
Leave a comment below if you want to join, tell me your challenge and we can accomplish this together! If you are unable to leave a comment Facebook me, or make the promise to yourself to do the challenge!
Remember, its about YOU, no one else.
SO... are you in for The Challenge?

I will join your challenge! 30 push ups errday. Watch out for me!
ReplyDeleteOhhh I will do 15 pushups a day! yikes! I can barely to 10 so I thought I would try 15 to push it haha. This is an awesome idea!
ReplyDeleteHey I tagged you in my blog today! Come take a look!